Bullying campaign – ChildLine
was your aim?
Raising awareness getting help, money,
getting involved……. What was the audience supposed to feel? Did you achieve that aim?
Ideas –
Corey’s pitch
Evident in final edit
If you did make changes, why and how?
Plan B
and weakness in planning
production documents
call sheets storyboards
did filming go?
work, actors, shots, practice shots.
premier pro, transitions, and sound, timeline, effects, slow motion, captions
give examples.
feedback summarise
Summary of Campaign.
ChildLine campaign is aimed at the young audience, up to the age of 19 who are
going through domestic abuse and bullying behind closed doors we have portrayed
this in our short film so the audience can get help and advice. In addition to this,
to expand on my point about help and advice people can call on any telephone
weather its smart phone or not and can also get contact on computers as they
can get help they if are shy to talk about it over the phone . In contrast to
this the phone as well as the website is free and relatively cheaper than
phones with phones is also easier as the ChildLine number is free anytime of
the day for your troubled safety.
is free, confidential and available any time, day or night our ChildLine
campaign wasn’t very long due to the fact we want people to remember what our
campaign is about and what our
characters go through is what people go through too in a daily basis. Our
original idea when we were pitching was that we have multiple characters up to (4)
who go through this bullying faze but during pitching the feedback we got
didn’t added up to the ideas we had plans for which made us as a group change
our ideas and narrowed down our characters to only 2 who were Chantelle and Masood because the other 2 character’s would take up more time of the advert and
make it longer for no reason which wouldn’t make any sense.
strengths were that we had a good structure to our campaign advert as everyone
in the team had a role to play and had good understanding with each other, I
feel that our weakness was that we didn’t put enough effort when filming and
editing which let us down but, other than that we have illustrated and enacted
what people go through behind closed doors and public environment which was the
main objective. Our editing was helped by the acquaintance of premier pro which
helped us with all our bits and pieces together of what we shot as a group,
this allowed us to put sound into our campaign advert this simply brought
suspense and tension for our target audience for a better outcome
addition to this, we used transitions which emulated things such as slow motion
when our character Masood was walking down the corridor being bullied his
friend who is affiliated with gang war and is a bad example on him, but however
he gets bullied and tries to fit in. in addition to this we all had a pre-production
task to do as dorcas was able to do call sheet and I was able to do recce and
many more within the group which was one of our strengths.